Reading or writing – it’s the magic of words which I adore, and their wondrous ability to transport.” 


 “Reading Books has always held power for me… to slip between the folds of pages into another world – some would ask, is there simply anything better?

Unless you’re me… and then there is the strong contender of writing. There is nothing like revisiting the magic of one’s childhood through the writing of fantasy fiction. When a story idea visits me, it’s like opening the gateway to ones lost youth where the sensation of long ago summers by the seaside refuse to be dulled by the vestige of time. Where I feel the string of golden days linked together by a summer breeze bringing the scents of pine trees and the taste of salted ocean air, the sting of sunburnt legs and that most glorious of all feelings – freedom. But most of all, the delight of knowing that my childhood luggage contained a cache of beautifully bound adventures, just waiting to be devoured. 
For me, writing is like opening a doorway where I can slip through to the magic of a new world just waiting to be discovered. It’s how Lucy must’ve felt when she slipped into the wardrobe and found the wonder of Narnia – or Alice when she fell down the rabbit hole to a world of adventure in Wonderland. Reading or writing – it’s the magic of words which I adore, and their wondrous ability to transport.”     

Thaddeus Bix and the Pirates of Pepperjack

Thaddeus Bix and the Pirates of Pepperjack is a middle grade reader, enjoyed by adults and children alike. It’s the first book in the Thaddeus Bix series. It follows the tale of Thaddeus Bix, Juniper Rose and Molly Mallou as they dodge the dastardly Captain Pepperjack and his nefarious crew. Its full of mayhem and magic, and holds an adventure that will keep you turning pages until the very end.

‘Captain Pepperjack of the Black Wyddah pirate ship has mysteriously disappeared, and the pirates of Pepperjack are desperate to get him back.

Thaddeus Bix is astonished to be kidnapped by four smelly pirates, thrown into a sack, carried aboard the Black Wyddah and imprisoned in a magical sea chest.  All because he has something that the pirates don’t.

Will Thaddeus succeed in escaping from Captain Pepperjack and his rabble of pirates? Or will he remain a prisoner forever?

So, begins the magical swashbuckling adventures of Thaddeus Bix as he sails across the Seven Seas in search of something lost, that needs to be found. It’s a story of friendship and belonging. Of finding one’s true self in the dreams buried within, whilst dealing with the things that have the ability to imprison us in a world where we don’t belong.’



Coming Soon.


There are notes available for The Thaddeus Bix Series. The notes include information on the author and her current books, inspiration, themes, class questions and templates for class activities.


Kylie loves to inspire anyone to live their best life doing what they love. Her author talks can be tailored to suit a range of topics and ages to meet specific curriculum topics.

If you would like Kylie to visit your school, please get in touch via the contact page


“I have always loved stories. Loved their ability to open doorways, open worlds, open possibilities. For me, stories have always felt to be the language of my soul. The very fabric of my life, where every thread of meaning is woven by a beautiful or painful story, to produce the tapestry that is me.” – Kylie Mansfield

I am an eclectic person – as in I don’t really have a set style. I simply like what I like. But if I were to give myself a label of style, it would certainly hold the word vintage, because of my love for old things. For I love the stories, the memory that’s infused within such things. I love the idea of having two worlds converging, the past and present, like old friends sitting down at the same table by the crossroads of time.

This eclectic way of being has certainly overflowed in my writing genres,  which means I write whatever visits me – from children’s fiction, to non-fiction. Having said that, of late I have found my favourite stories to embrace are in the genre of women’s fiction, for these hold more of the things that I love best…

Like  old houses, because they  capture memories like nothing else. Like history – particularly the late19th to early 20th centuries where great changes fell upon the unsuspecting occupants of that time.  Like Secrets which humans think lay buried beneath the layers of time, but are simply locks just waiting for the right key to reveal them. Like a little bit of magic – for magic is real you know… it’s the undercurrent that pulls us towards the things that belong. And lastly love and loss – for are not both of these the two pillars upon which every life is built?



Whispering Echoes relays the tale of two woman standing at opposite ends of the tunnel of life. Sally Donaldson at the beginning whilst Miss Bella Connelly is at the end.

The story opens in the winter of 1990. Sally is a young woman on the verge of a breakdown, slowly drowning in the sorrow of an unimaginable loss. When her husband sends her to Brackenleigh Manor to recover, she encounters the unconventional healing methods of Miss Bella Connelly.

Sally quickly discovers that the manor itself harbours its own sorrow, and the secrets that lay within the old groaning house are none other than the sad whispering echoes of miss Bella’s past.

The story then shifts back to 1939 – Britain on the eve of WW2 – and reveals the secrets and lies that transform Bella, and completely change the lives of all who meet Miss Bella after.

The events that carved and marked Miss Bella’s journey finally draw Sally out of her own shadows and back into life,

For it is within Miss Bella’s story, that Sally learns that life has a measure that no one can count….

A measure that far outweighs death….

 It’s a tale of love and loss, mystery and memory, and the power of emotion that has the ability to change everything.


365 Ways to Connect with your Soul (contributor)